Friday, December 19, 2008

First Things First.

Hello and welcome to MTV.
You are a guest at the Marriott Marquis. But you knew that.
We are cool people from MTV. Trust us.
Our first order of business is a special photo contest. Please take a photo of our window from your room and e-mail it to us at
The winner will be featured as our main profile picture. While you are here, you may as well tell us what is on your mind, why not? Do you like MTV?
We are friendly and we like chocolate.
Use us as a way to meet and communicate with other guests in your lovely hotel. Let's all be friends yes? Why not.

-- MTVwe


  1. OK, so I am looking out my window thinking about going to work out and I noticed your window, so I am doing what you asked. Guess not many other guests do the same thing since there has been no posts on here since Jan.

    I am here until next Tuesday so hopefully I will hear back from you.

  2. We just got home last night, room 2942. I just found the email in my purse, and thought I would check it out~
